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The Malki Foundation

Arnold Roth





Keren Malki's work is based around the idea that no place is better for a child with special needs than that child's own home. Helping to enable that to happen is what drives our activities, day after day.

The challenges facing a family with a seriously disabled child are not simple. Neurological disorders, severe illness and developmental problems in childhood change the lives of all concerned: the child, the parents, the siblings and - in some ways - the society around them.

Experience shows that such families are rarely in a position to stand up to these challenges without sustained, targeted help.  

The Malki Foundation (Keren Malki in Hebrew) was founded in 2001 as a living memorial to a girl who dedicated herself to caring for people with disabilities, among them her own severely disabled sister.

The life of Malka Chana Roth, who was fifteen when her life was violently ended by Arab terrorists, is the inspiration for the foundation’s work. Her murder is the reason it was created.


Three Programs:

Keren Malki’s work is channeled into three active programs: one focused on providing specialized equipment in the home, and the other two on home-based therapies. In all 3 tracks, the goal is to empower families who want to give their seriously disabled child the best possible care at home.

Most families benefiting from Keren Malki’s programs first learn about them by word of mouth: via a social worker or from their child’s neurologist or therapist. The number of families admitted to the program currently stands at several hundred; the numbers are growing steadily. Fresh applications arrive at the rate of some thirty a month.

Keren Malki’s limited but growing financial resources dictate that we move forward very carefully, taking the trouble to clearly define goals and manage expenditure conservatively.

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